中国社会科学院哲学研究所是我国哲学学科的重要学术机构和研究中心。其前身是中国科学院哲学社会科学部哲学研究所。历任所长为潘梓年、许立群、邢贲思、汝信(兼)、陈筠泉、李景源、谢地坤。中华人民共和国成立前,全国没有专门的哲学研究机构。为了适应社会主义改造和建设事业发展的需要... ... <详情>
D. Phil. Yung-Yee Cheung is Research Fellow in the Institute of Philosophy at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at University of CASS, Research Fellow in the Research Center for Applied Ethics of CASS, and Editorial Board Member of Studies in Applied Ethics. His research interests focus primarily on the fields of applied ethics, international ethics and cosmopolitanism. Cheung published many papers, such as “On the Ideological Variants of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism”, “Arguing for the Value Foundation for Human Rights from the Perspective of Moral Cosmopolitanism”, “The International Political Dilemma of Cosmopolitan Ethics”, “The Ethics of Refugees: From the Perspectives of Cosmopolitanism and Non-cosmopolitanism”, “Human Rights and International Ethics: From the Perspective of Cosmopolitanism”, “The Reason for the Ethics of Refugees: Moral Obligation, Humanitarian Care and Systematic Responsibility”, “Understanding the Cosmopolitan Argument of Liberal Ethics”, and published the monograph, The Theory and Practice of Cosmopolitan Ethics. He won the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Awards of Central South University and Hunan Province respectively, and presided over some research projects, several of which were supported by General Program of Humanities and Social Science Research of Ministry of Education, General Funded Program and Special Funded Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Funded Program for Basic Research Scholars of CASS.
Add.: Section of Ethical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, No. 5 Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100732, P. R. China. Email:;
D. Phil. Yung-Yee Cheung is Research Fellow in the Institute of Philosophy at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy at University of CASS, Research Fellow in the Research Center for Applied Ethics of CASS, and Editorial Board Member of Studies in Applied Ethics. His research interests focus primarily on the fields of applied ethics, international ethics and cosmopolitanism. Cheung published many papers, such as “On the Ideological Variants of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism”, “Arguing for the Value Foundation for Human Rights from the Perspective of Moral Cosmopolitanism”, “The International Political Dilemma of Cosmopolitan Ethics”, “The Ethics of Refugees: From the Perspectives of Cosmopolitanism and Non-cosmopolitanism”, “Human Rights and International Ethics: From the Perspective of Cosmopolitanism”, “The Reason for the Ethics of Refugees: Moral Obligation, Humanitarian Care and Systematic Responsibility”, “Understanding the Cosmopolitan Argument of Liberal Ethics”, and published the monograph, The Theory and Practice of Cosmopolitan Ethics. He won the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Awards of Central South University and Hunan Province respectively, and presided over some research projects, several of which were supported by General Program of Humanities and Social Science Research of Ministry of Education, General Funded Program and Special Funded Program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Funded Program for Basic Research Scholars of CASS.
Add.: Section of Ethical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, No. 5 Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100732, P. R. China. Email:;